Saturday, May 22, 2010

Trapped: Chapter 1

                                     By Sochido Haru
                                          Illustrated & Edited by Hikari Houka

                                               Dark Fiction

It was a dark night in the Feudal era; the full moon hung high hanging over a large forest on the western border. The summer air was humid, but a cool breeze blew ever so often causing the trees to brush back and forth. A female walked around the border her hands placed in her kimono pocket as she looked up at the moon, her long black hair was pulled in a braid that came past her thighs and had white tips. Her deep light grey eyes stared up at the moon making her wolf ears twitch slightly. Her thigh length black kimono hugged her hips tightly, as ever step she took made her huge chest bounce.

“The moon is so beautiful.” She whispered a small smile graced on her lips as her brown fluffy tail wagged back and forth. She stared at the huge ball of light for what seemed like an eternity, until a sent caught her noise coming quickly toward her. Looking around her surroundings she tried to catch which way the sent was coming but it seemed in was coming from all directions, turning around quickly she hoped she could out run whoever it was. Her feet ran as quickly as they could, her eyes and ears were the only senses that she used as she maneuvered threw trees, hopping over fallen tree trunks, and getting small cuts from branches.

‘You idioti! Coming all this way, knowing you’re in heat!’ She scolded herself as she jumped over what seemed like a wall of bushes into a clearing. Stopping she stood in the middle of the clearing hearing and smell on high alert, her stalker somewhere close she could feel the hair on her neck stand up. Before she could blink she was pinned to a tree by her throat, the males golden orbs staring into hers harshly, his claws in her skin ready to rip her neck apart at anytime. It took the female a moment before she could focus again the impacted was rough and hard.

“What are you doing on my lands wolf?” His cold voice spoke to her, his grip on her neck lighting so she could talk. The female looked up at the extremely taller man and almost panicked at realizing who he was.

“My deepest apologizes milord. I had not realized I’d trespassed, I only came where to moon lead me to. I’ll leave immediately.” She stated not looking up at demon. She waited to see what he would do, but nothing came looking up she realized what was happening to him. He had caught her sent and it mesmerized him, panicking she looked for a way out of his grip but found none. The males face leaned into her neck inhaling so sharply she shuddered, his nose ran across her skin lightly at first before his tongue snaked out.

“Milord, w-what are you doing?” She questioned as her heart rate increased dramatically. She struggled to get his hands from around her neck but it was locked tight.

“I suggest you stop struggling before you head gets ripped off.” Her movement stop automatically, as her eye averted to him. “What is your name wolf?”

“So-Soichido.” She whispered, his eyes flashed with hunger as he leaned down a little more.

“Soichido? Hmmm, I see. Well, Soichido. I’m going to remove my hand from your neck. I’m warning you now don’t do anything foolish because you won’t like the consequences.”

Nodding he moved his firm grip from around her neck causing her to sigh in relief, his hands however found a new spot to rest on, his large hands slipped into her kimono and begin to play roughly with her large breast, Soichido without thinking snatched away from him backing up quickly holding her kimono together. Turning around she ran, it was instinct, her body told her to run away from this powerful demon as quickly as she could.

Why this demon wanted her she couldn’t understand it either, him being who he was made it totally impossible for her to comprehend. This demon was feared all over Japan, his cruelty, his emotionless features, his power. How? Why? What made him loose control because of her heat sent? Most people assumed this demon was to powerful to have sexual needs, all his needs were satisfied with blood, his enemies blood but this proves them wrong, very wrong.

She didn’t know which was she was going and to a degree she didn’t care as long as she out ran him, which seemed impossible at this point he was right behind her his sent thick with lust, and desire. Coming out the forest she looked up to see a huge castle, her eyes widened in realization.

“No, no, no! This can’t be happening to me.” She panic. The Western Lands domain, the castle that belong to the most powerful lord in the 4 regions,


Snapping back quickly she looked back to find none other than him behind her a grin placed on his face, her body shook with horror.

“I warned you didn’t I.” He paused appearing in front of her grabbing her throat again. “You’re in my lands, and I can do what I please with you.” He practically purred at the thought. His eyes looked upward to find a large balcony, without warning his jumped up taking her with him, opening the doors he forcefully threw her inside, he body landing roughly on a bed. “Excellent.”

Soichido gasped after landing so hard on the bed and tried to sit up on her elbows, but was quickly pinned down by her shoulders by Sesshomaru's hands, his claws gripping rather tight and digging into her skin, making her wince in pain.

"What, you don't like it rough?" he questioned, his voice very dark and laced with lust. Soichido could barely breathe, she was so afraid... Not only from the want in his voice but his eyes... They were no longer even a shade of gold. No, they were now completely blue, the whites of his eyes, bleeding redder and redder by the second. She knew it was futile attempt at best, but it was better than not trying...

"Onegai, Sesshomaru-sama...." she whimpered. "I'm really sorry for intruding on your lands, onegai, just let me go and I promise, I SWEAR I'll never come near your lands again."

"If I let you do that..." he paused to sit back, giving Soichido a very (nice) full view of his protruding manhood, making a tent in his pants and pulsing rapidly every few seconds. A dark blush coated her cheeks and her mouth fell open, her gaze flicking back up to gaze in his eyes. "... I wouldn't be able to take care of this problem." he reached down and gripped her kimono by her collar and swiftly ripped it down the middle, making her cry out in protest.


"Silence, bitch..." Sesshomaru growled, gripping her buy her throat again, this time his hand releasing his poison, small enough not to kill her, but strong enough to cause damage. Soichido cried out in pain, tears forming in her eyes, her hands reaching out to grip his wrists. He stopped emitting his poison against her neck and removed his hand, then leaned his face in close to hers. "Now listen carefully... I'm not in the mood for games. You're going to take what I give you, when I give it to you, willingly, do you understand me?"

Soichido, too shocked from the pain from his poison, could only nod and try not to cry as he removed the rest of her torn kimono and began running his hands all over her body, touching places she knew shouldn't be touched, shouldn't be seen, shouldn't even be thought about. She squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip to keep in her sobs as he continued violating her, running his nose over all crevices and expanses of her skin, getting more and more turned on by the exotic scent her body was giving off. Before long, she heard his clothes hit the floor and his hands went under her knees, lifting her legs off the bed. She gripped the sheets and choked out a gasp when he entered her, swiftly breaking through her barrier and a trail of blood dripping onto the sheets. She prayed to Kami he would finish soon, but of course, he was Sesshomaru, and would last a lot longer than a normal male would, especially while in a lust frenzy. He violated her several times, using several different positions, but the worst was when he had her missionary and would force her to look into his eyes while he slammed inside of her. She couldn't stop the tears then, which only made him laugh sadistically and slam in harder. About an hour maybe more later, Sesshomaru finally finished, filling her up with his seed and pulling out of her, dropping her legs on the bed and simply getting up, grabbing his clothes and walked out of the room. Soichido just lay there for a few more seconds, then curled into a ball, wrapping her arms around her legs and just let the tears flow freely down her cheeks. She was tainted now, impure, raped by a demon lord, all because of her retched time of the month....

All she could think of as she cried herself to sleep was she was here, trapped in the home of a demon lord who could care nothing less about her.......

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