Friday, May 28, 2010

Trapped: Chapter 3

First Dinner
                                                 Chapter 3
                                                         By Soichi Haru
                                                   Editor Hikari Minamoto
                        Soichi walked down the stairs with a black and silver kimono on, though the sleeves were very long the kimono itself was very short. It came up to about her upper thigh, its beauty echoed over her skin and hugged her every curve. Glancing over her shoulder when she got to the final step Soichi sighed and looked around, she really didn’t want to run into the Lord of the West lands even if it was his castle. Leaning against the wall she looked down at her feet, moments of their bath together came back instantly and she found herself blushing. I guess the saying was true, mating with someone during your heat cycle you’ll be unwilling attracted/enticed by them. She sighed once again at the thought of somehow always being connected to “him” of all youkai in the region. Her thought dwelled on not noticing Sesshomaru had been staring at her for a good 2 minutes.
“Something wrong pet?” He questioned causing her flinch and blush. Sesshomaru wanted to openly smirk at the look on her face but contained it. Her eyes were huge as she pressed herself against the wall, as her hands placed together over her chest. Soichi blushed darker before bowing quickly toward the demon.
“Gomen nasai, Sesshomaru-sama.” She apologized.
Sesshomaru smirked and watched her raise to her feet the blush still present on her cheeks. He gazed over her body his golden orbs taking her body curves in inch by inch. He could remember how the moonlight echoed over her body as he mounted her the first night he’d meet her. She truly had a beautiful body, one he’d become the master of.
“Come, dinner is prepared and I’m sure you’re hungry after your day.” He spoke, walking toward the dinning room, Soichi followed with her head down not wanting to look up at him. Turning the corner they came to a large dinning area decorated beautiful, the long/large table was decorated with a beautiful light blue table cloth, on the table silver candle holders were placed along with sterling silver table wear.
Soichi smiled as she walked in after Sesshomaru looking around, everything was so beautiful. Over in the corner a large portrait hung with a male that resembled the Lord of the West, Soichi stared at it her head cocked to the side.
“Pet you’re presence is required over here.” Sesshomaru voice spoke and Soichi scurried over to the table standing by him. He looked at her and patted his lap, causing her to blush and look at him. “Sit.” He ordered.  Sitting down slowly she looked in her lap not speaking or breathing to loud, Sesshomaru smirked and looked at her. “Don’t be so tense, the worst has already happened as long as you behave and do as I say.” He paused to grab her chin between his thumb and index finger making her stare into his eyes. “Tonight, you’re body will be mine again… so be prepared after dinner.”

"H-hai, Sesshomaru-sama..." she replied, then looked back down into her lap when he finally released her chin. As much as she didn't want to be around him, here she was, being forced to eat dinner on his lap, then later on having to endure what he put her through the first night she was here... She turned her head, trying to find something, anything she could focus on to at least get her through this dinner when her gaze fell upon the portrait she noticed when she first came in. "Anou... Sesshomaru-sama... Who is that a portrait of?"

Sesshomaru glanced back at the picture of his father, only to scoff and face the table again. "That... is a portrait of Lord Inutaisho... My father."

"H-hontoni...?" Soichi gasped,  looking back and forth between Sesshomaru and the portrait. 'I can see the resemblance... the only thing is, Lord Inutaisho actually looks like he's... happy...'

"Hai, honto. Enough of that, though. It's time for you to eat...  You probably haven't eaten since before your arrival, and you need nourishment." he spoke, waving his hand, causing a servant to walk over and begin preparing a plate for her. As much as Soichi didn't want to eat, she really didn't want to cause Sesshomaru to be irate, especially right before they were supposed to mate...

So she downed the food he had prepared for her, which she had to admit tasted heavenly and did wonders for her fatigue. As she finished a glass of some kind of juice and set it down on the table, Sesshomaru lifted her up into his arms and began carrying her out of the dining room. Soichi braced herself, closing her eyes and saying a silent prayer as he carried her down the hall and up the stairs, leading to his bed chambers. He slid the door open and set her on her feet.

"Undress and get on the bed. I'll return momentarily." he ordered, then slid the door shut behind her. Soichi let loose a long sigh and slowly began undoing her kimono, unraveling herself from the confines of the fabric. Once she got down to the thin almost robe like layer of the kimono, she climbed on the bed, and let the white, almost sheer, fabric fall from her shoulders and pool around her hips. She sighed, wrapping her arms around herself. 'Twas not a chilly night, but Soichi couldn't help but shiver at the thoughts of what she would have to experience that night with Sesshomaru. He said that the worst was over, but she couldn't fathom sex with her kidnapper and rapist to be anything but horrifying.

Her head snapped up to the door when she heard footsteps approach, then the door slid open to reveal none other than Sesshomaru. He was carrying something with him in his arms, but it was mostly hidden by the fabric of his kimono. He walked in and closed the door, not really acknowledging her presence, which was just fine with Soichi. She watched him closely, however, as he walked over to the nightstand next to the bed and set down two or three different items...

'Candles?' she thought, a curious look on her face. He lit those candles, then walked around to the other side of the bed and set the remaining candles on the table beside the bed and lit those as well. Now the room was immersed in a pale light, and Soichi wrapped her arms tighter around herself. She took a deep breath, and realized the candles were scented. 'Mmm, they smell so good...' she couldn't help but sigh, a small smile coming to her lips. "S-Sesshomaru-sama...?"

"Hmm...?" he responded as he began removing his kimono.

"What... Kind of candles are those...?" Soichi sighed again, leaning back on her arms. She wasn't sure why, but she was beginning to feel extremely light headed. She had to concentrate on Sesshomaru just for her vision to focus.

"A special blend I had made. They're supposed to relax you." he frowned as he removed the upper part of his kimono, leaving him in only his pants. "Must not be working very well. I don't feel any different."

Soichi shook her head, a lazy smile on her face. "Uh-huh... I feel... Relaxed..." she sat up, then leaned forward so she was on her hands and knees in front of him. "I feel very relaxed, Sesshomaru-sama..." she grabbed him by the waist of his kimono pants and tugged until he was on the bed with her. "If the candles aren't working..." she paused to lick her lips. "Maybe I can help get you relaxed...?" she purred, looking up at him, nuzzling his crotch. Sesshomaru smirked, resting his hand on top of her head, giving her the "o.k".

Things were very fuzzy to Soichi at this point. Something in the back of her mind was screaming that everything that was happening was wrong, but the front of her mind was too cloudy to really pay attention. So cloudy even, she had to fight to focus on what was happening. She was now lying on her back, gazing up at a completely nude Sesshomaru, her legs spread open and something hard poking her between her legs. "Sesshomaru..." she gasped, gripping the sheets tightly when he pushed his length inside of her, settling himself to the hilt. "Sama!!"

Soichi writhed and moaned in pure ecstasy as Sesshomaru rode with her into the throws of passion, pushing his way in and out of her slick walls. She wrapped her arms around him as best as she could, he claws raking down his back as she could feel an orgasm approaching. "S-Sesshomaru! Oh, Kami-sama!!" she cried out, throwing her head back. "G-good, so good! M-more, gimmie more, Sesshomaru-sama!"

Sesshomaru grunted his response and gripped her hips, slamming his manhood into her rather roughly, using his demonic speed. Soichi scremed to the heavens as she came, arching her back and digging her claws into his shoulders. Her orgasm was so powerful she blacked out momentarily, then woke up to her cheek pressed against the sheets and her butt in the air, Sesshomaru pounding into her from behind. Her vision was still blurry, but at this point the candles were almost gone, and her head was as clear as a sunny day. Tears began pouring down her cheeks as everything began coming back to her.... And here he was, still having his way with her. She bit her lip and clentched her eyes shut when he grabbed her hips rather forcefully and buried himself as deep as he could inside, his length throbbing uncontrollable, signaling he was finally finished. He pulled out of her, his cock still a little hard and covered in both her juices and her own. Soichi let her hips drop to the bed, and while Sesshomaru climbed off to more than likely clean himself off, she climbed under the covers and let her tears fall, soon falling asleep. Sesshomaru joined her, having no intention of addressing her tears, or going to sleep, but he soon found he could not avoid the latter when he suddenly found himself standing in the center of a beautiful forest clearing, Inutaisho standing in front of him.

"Father..." he frowned. "Invading my dreams once again..."

"Just as you invaded that girl's privacy."

"She's my pet, she has no privacy."

"Really... Is that why you resorted to getting her stoned out of her mind to have sex with her?"

"....... If you really must know... I bought those candles to make it pleasurable for her. And if you know that much, you should know how much she enjoyed it..." Sesshomaru couldn't help the smirk that came from remembering her face as she climaxed. Inutaisho sighed, shaking his head.

"Sesshomaru, you fool... How can you ever expect to be a great ruler if you can't even see what's in front of you? That girl didn't enjoy having sex with you. She was high as all hell from those candles, thus making her inebriated. She lost all inhibitions and had sex with you.... Now if you really think that makes no difference, then you tell me... Would she have done all that without those candles?" Sesshomaru kept his gaze, although deep down he knew his father was right. "Would she have fallen asleep crying...?"

"I get your point." Sesshomaru snapped, then turned around, his back to his father. ".... What do you want from me...?"

"I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet. That girl is much more than you're making her out to be. But it's not my job to make you see that. You have to do that on your own. Only then will you have what it takes to be greater than I."

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