Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I know its late but HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

Untamable Ecstasy

By Soichi Ekyco Houka


Hikari Houka

Soichi X Hikari X Hinote


Thing seemed to have fallin into place sense a year ago for Hinote. He was now pushing 50 (in youkai years) and was living a life most people wished that had. He was completely different then he use to be, in physical nature and maturity. He now stood 6’ feet tall, and weight over 260 pounds pure muscle. His hair was had grown out to half way down his back. Two panther ears sat on his head, and a long red tail was wrapped around his waist. He had the body of a true dragon, a little gift from his father one should say.

The month was March, and it was relatively warm in the Eastern lands, the home of his wife Soichi who now ruled over the entire border. Soichi was around 5’4, tanned with long raven hair and white ends. She had VERY large breast, and curvy body. Her eyes were a light grey and showed innocent’s wolf ears sat on top of her head, and she had a bushy wolf tail to match. Hinote smiled at the thought of his wife. Looking up at the sky his smile grew wider.

Men normally are happy with one eternal soul mate, but him, he had two. His other wife Hikari was the queen of the Northern lands. She was around 5’9 and had large breasts as well. Her youkai animal was a silver fox, mixed with dog. She was quite the beauty to behold.

He had a good life, and he was truly happy. Looking around a thought came to mind,

‘Where are my wives?’ He questioned jumping down from a large tree to land swiftly on his feet. Stretching slightly he walked into the castle, many servants bowed in respect as they tended to their normal duties. Turning down a large hallway he came to two large oak doors, pushing them open with no effort, his eyes set on Hikari laying on top of Soichi in a heated kiss. Hinote grinned to himself. Hikari was only in a set of red panties no bra causing her breasts to press into Soichi’s covered ones, her hair was in her normal ponytail. Soichi only wore a black t-shirt her hair was flowing behind her in a raven ocean.

“Well, well, well. Seems you two are having fun.” He spoke. Soichi’s head shot to the door and she blushed looking at her husband.

“She woke me up, she knows the penalty for waking me up.” Hikari spoke casually, as her tongue trailed down her lovers neck. Soichi whined slightly and bit her bottom lip.

“H-Hikari c’mon I have work to do. I was just waking you up to tell you breakfast was ready.” She whines as Hikari fangs nibbled at her exposed neck. Hinote walked in closing the door behind him, a grin plastered on his face.

“Soichi save it, you’ve gotten out of morning sex for the past month. Hikari’s has every right to have you submitting to her, ruling is fine but your husband and wife should come first….” He paused at his innuendo.

“Come first… now I like the sound of that.”

"Now, now, Hinote... As you said, Soichi hasn't been to morning sex in quite some time..." Hikari grinned, slowly turning her gaze from her husband to her now very nervous wife pinned underneath her. "Don't you think she should come first...?"

Hinote smirked, making his way over to the bed while moving his hands down to grip the edge of his shirt and pull it over his head. "You know, I do believe you're right, Hikari..." Hinote reached the edge of the bed, his hands now playing with the buckle to his belt. Soichi's eyes widened as she looked from Hinote back to Hikari, panic beginning to fill those gorgeous light gray eyes.

"N-No, you two! I already said I have work to---!!" Soichi yelped when she felt a sudden draft and realized her shirt had gone missing... Well, incinerated would be a better term... Hinote laughed, licking his lips as the glow from his eyes ebbed away after burning away the only fabric keeping her lovers' hungry eyes away from her body. "HINOTE!! Dammit, when I get up, I swear---"

"And who said anything about you getting up, hmm...?" Hikari questioned, cocking her head to the side in curiosity as she gazed down at her helpless lover. Soichi opened to her mouth to answer, but Hikari wasn't planning on listen to whatever trivial excuse she was ready to throw. It was morning sex time, baby, and everything else could, and was going, to wait. Still looking at her wife with the ever adorable curious face, she hooked her hands under both of her knees and pushed her legs forward until they were on either side of her face. Soichi let out a whine of protest, still trying to struggle to get away from her "sex-crazed" spouses. "My, my, she certainly has a lot of fight in her for it to be so early, don't you think, Hinote? Whaddaya say we... calm her down a bit?"

"C-calm down!? I'll calm you down! Both of you! I swear, you never listen, I have important things to do today and I can't- Mmmph!! Mmm, mpghhh!!" all of her protests and complaints were suddenly brought to an end by the savior, also known as Hinote's hardened cock. He grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked so her head was now level and facing his rock-hard, throbbing manhood which he shoved into her mouth to shush her incessant nagging.

"You and this mouth..." he smirked down at her pleading face. The darkened blush on her cheeks, her eyes begging for freedom, tears pricking at the edges of her eyes... All of these little things about her made the wet cave around his cock seem so much more enticing. "I'm sure you can find better things to do with it than jabber on about irrelevant things."

"And now that we have her yapper filled, we can finally get down to the nitty-gritty!" Hikari grinned, holding up the two middle fingers on her right hand. Soichi blinked in question at her words, then realized what she meant when she saw those two God-forsaken digits out of the corner of her eye. She tried to turn her head, but Hinote's grip on her hair remained strong. Instead she let out a muffled whine, trying to plead one last time for her lovers to let her go free.

Of course it fell on deaf ears.

"Quit your whining and get to work..." he growled, thrusting his hips forward, forcing his length to push against the back of her throat. Meanwhile, Hikari had already began to rub her fingers against Soichi's nether regions, her sex already covered with her own juices and getting a good amount all over Hikari's fingers. The kitsune smirked, using her free hand to keep her legs raised, and the other to tease her pussy, lightly rubbing the lips, delving into them to tease her entrance and of course the pleasure center of it all, using her middle finger to rub circles over her clit, applying enough pressure to tease and drive Soichi insane. Despite her efforts to escape and get away from her horny spouses, Soichi knew she was done for. Here she was, lying on her back and being forced to suck her own husband's cock while her wife teased her pussy with fingers Soichi now knew she wanted deep inside of her, not just teasing her clit...

She whined again, trying her best to move her hips upward from the position she was in, hoping her kitsune would get the idea. Of course she did, but would she be the Hikari they knew and loved if she didn't make a smart ass comment first...?

"Well, lookitchu.... She's moving her hips all on her own." Hikari smirked, pulling her fingers back. "What's the matter, baby...? You want my fingers? Here....?" she placed the very tips of her fingers at the entrance to where Soichi wanted, no, needed to be filled to ease the horrid pressure they instilled in her. Soichi let out exasperated whine as she moved her hips again, annoyed at her wife's teasing nature. Hikari chuckled and wasted no time in pushing her fingers as deep as she could into her wife's center, causing a loud moan to issue from her throat as she continued to suck Hinote off.

Hinote gritted his teeth from the vibrations her moans brought to his cock as Hikari mercilessly drove her fingers into Soichi's pussy, ranging the speeds from slow and EXTREMELY hard to lightning fast. The moans issuing from her throat was exactly the stimulation that drove Hinote insane. He brought his other hand to the back of her head as well, using it for leverage as he began thrusting his hips forward in time with the bobbing of her head. He groaned from the head of his length constantly hitting the back of her throat, as tight and wet as the back of her pussy. "I can feel you tightening up, baby..." Hikari chuckled. "I think it's time for the big finish..." he licked her lips and began driving her fingers into Soichi's pussy faster and harder than before. Soichi let out a series of loud moans from the sudden change in speed, and nearly screamed when she felt Hikari's tongue begin lapping at her sensitive pleasure center. Both Soichi and Hinote had to admit, Hikari's dog tongue was very good when she decided to use it.

Soichi was beginning to have trouble breathing from the lack of air she was getting from Hikari's stimulation and from sucking on Hinote. She could tell the end was nearing for her; pressure was beginning to build in her lower stomach, the shock waves of ecstasy shooting from her clit and pussy throughout her entire body were making her legs twitch, a sure sign orgasm was coming, and by the way her legs were moving, it was coming HARD. She sat up on her elbows, giving herself easier access to Hinote's length and grabbed the base with her free hand, sucking him harder and taking him deeper in her throat. Hinote hissed and gripped her hair tighter, then whimpered softly as he himself could also feel an orgasm building....





"OH MY GOD!!!!!"

Several servants doing their duties on the same floor (and more than likely on the floors above and below as well) heard the loud scream. Most of them chuckled, going about their business, pleased that their Lady had actually taken time off to spend time with her mates again...

Soichi lay on her back, her legs back in their original position, gasping for air, sweat glistening all over her body. The sheets (and most of Hikari) were soaked through with the juiced from her orgasm, he pussy still twitching and throbbing happily. Hikari sat on her knees, smiling as she licked what juice and come she could from her fingers and face.

Hinote grinned at the heat blush on his wife’s face, Hikari crawled up to her husband kissing his lips her dog tongue digging into his mouth letting his takes Soichi’s sweet nectar. He purred as they parted from the kiss, his tongue lapping of his lips hungrily. With his brute strength he picked Hikari up slowly falling back on his back, his reptile like tongue deep within his wife’s sweet walls. Hikari moaned and leaned forward grabbing the sheets in pleasure, Hinote made an incoherent sound to her juices pouring into his mouth. Soichi licked her lips looking at her husband throbbing member, her vision clouded with lust. Snaking her tongue out licking the tip a couple of times she placed his whole member in her mouth, moaning as it filled her.

Hinote’s body trembled as his wife sucked his hard member with ease, taking his thick long cock deep within her throat not ganging once. Juices poured into his mouth as his wife begging him not to stop, her juices coming out thicker her body squirming as he held her thighs still over his long tongue. He knew she was close and he pleaded for her to come he wanted to taste the sweetest of her nectar with a loud scream and her body tighten she came swiftly causing him to groan in shire pleasure but not just from her taste but from his other wife sucking slightly on his ball sack. Lifting Hikari up with ease he looked at Soichi, who had an innocent look in her eyes, as her tongue trailed up his staff.

“Soichi, come here.” He stated his tongue motioning the way, the young wolf blushed and crawled up leaning down he kissed her. “On all fours Wolfie.” He whispered huskily, she shivered slightly removing her kimono and laying on her stomach with her ass in the air. Quickly with ease he laid Hikari on her back, his dick still on edge as he looked at his naked beautiful wives.

“Hikari you get it first,” he paused to rub his dick tip on her clit caused her to shiver and almost scream as he shoved it deep within her walls. She clung to his arms as he balanced himself on the bed. His tongue snaking out to lick Soichi’s clit as her pussy hung over Hikari face, this is what he enjoyed so much about sex the moans, and sounds they made as he pleasured their bodies. Hikari tight walls surrounding his, her sweet juices coating his hard dick, and Soichi in her submissive position her glorious ass in the air and her nectar dripping along his tongue as she squirmed in pleasure.

“H-Hinote! Y-you’re so deep, m-more!” Hikari pleaded causing him to smirk and thrust deeper inside her tight walls. She screamed and threw her head back in shire pleasure her body begged for him to for fill her desires, it craved for him to pond her little body into the mattress, he couldn’t deny her needs what kinda ‘of husband would he be? Looking up her could see Soichi face in the mirrored headboard, she had a dark heat blush and her eyes were low, her breaths in pants.

Oh, she was such a dirty little bitch. It had been weeks sense he’d made her scream and say dirty spine shivering things to him, he couldn’t wait. Looking back down to Hikari she was practically drooling, her body burning up her walls were twitching around him she was almost to her point. Her nails deep within his shoulder he himself drooled at the sweet pain, he little Usagi was such a sadist it made his balls tighten.

“I’m g-gonna cum! H-Hinote-sama, I’m s-so close!! H-HINOTE!!!!” She screamed and he grinned at her facial expression. It was so sexy if he hadn’t had will power he’d of came inside her on the spot. Her pussy twitched leaking all over his dick and balls, he grinned looking in between him. Retracting his tongue he slid outta Hikari. Hinote grinned at her and spoke.

“Don’t go too far babe, I’m nowhere near done with you yet.”

Soichi sat up her hair was all over her head and she was still panting, her legs closed but he could smell her even though she tried to hide it. With ease he picked his little Wolfie up and sat her in his lap, she squealed from surprise and looked him her ears twitching slightly.

“H-Hino-kun…” She whispered looking around. He smirked turning her face to look at him, he stared at her for a second savoring the moment before he kissed her lips outta their marriage Soichi was the ultimate submissive one he loved it, she tried to fight and that made her that much cuter cause she always lost.

“I can still smell you my Wolfie…” He almost laughed her face. She grabbed his shoulders still blushing. “Oh don’t worry, daddies gonna take care of it. You’ve been avoiding me for some time now and well… “ he paused to grab her large breast to suck on the nipple a couple of times. “It’s time for you to cum for me.”

Before Soichi could say anything Hikari was behind Hinote her breast on his shoulders a grin placed on her face. Hinote lifted Soichi up and opened her legs to find her cunt dripping with her essence, her shivered. Soichi struggled to get free from her husband’s grasp but failed, slowly he slid into her and her eyes went low, her body twitching around him. As soon as he was deep within her she unwilling clung to his, he smirked grabbing her hip.

“Ride me.” He stated and Soichi nodded slightly grabbing him tighter. Looking back at Hikari she spoke again, “You sit on my face, I’m not done with my dessert yet.”

She moved letting him lay back, crawling on his face he instantly went back to sucking on her clit as he tongue ran up and down her wet, waiting lips. Soichi looked at the erotic seen of Hikari playing with her own breast, to Hinote’s tongue deep within their wife’s walls. Soichi moaned when his hand slapped her ass, looking at him her narrowed his eyes at her.

‘Get to work bitch.’ He stated through their mind link, Soichi shivered at his voiced and started to rock her hip in a steady pace, causing him to go deeper. Bitting her lip at the feeling she tried to control her urges, and her fiendish ways. His cock felt so good, and was so deep, before she knew it she was hopping up and down on his dick moaning as he hands rested on his chest.

“O-Oh, daddy… is so good…” She moaned her juices pouring outta her like a waterfall, her pussy begin to come warmer, and warmer by the second. His eyes hit the back of his head as the sound of his wives moaning drifted him off into sweet ecstasy. Hinote body begin to sweat he’d forgotten what sex with the both of them was like, it was heaven on earth. “A-Ah s-so deep, I’m on fire…Hi-Hinote!” Leaning up she kissed Hikari on the lips there tongues dancing together as they moaned.

‘Goddamnit, I forgot how good she could ride a dick.’ Hinote thought gripping Hikari tighter his tongue trusting deeper inside her walls. Hikari moaned a couple of ‘Fucks’ came from her mouth. Hinote could feel his orgasm building and it felt to fuckin good.

“I’m gonna cum, I c-can’t take it a-anymore!” Soichi almost screamed, he felt his climax approaching, his panther like speed he pinned both his wives down and begin to finger Hikari, and fuck Soichi like no tomorrow both clung to him and screamed.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!! I’m coming!!” Hikari screamed her body trembling, Soichi mouth was open and her face was incredible the shire pleasure he brought her was written on her face, she was coming VERY soon, and VERY hard.

“Ikku! I-Ikku!” Soichi screamed her screamed muffled by her biting the sheets quickly, Hinote mouth was in a pressed line as he begin the thrust, he was so close. He’d pleasure both his loves and now his reward was coming, literally.

FUCK!!!” He roared pulling out sparing his seed all over the two demons; the moaned at the heated contact, Soichi sat up and balanced him letting all his seed pour until Hikari who bathed happily in it. Hinote falling over into his wife’s large boobs, twitched slightly as she petted him. This was his heaven, beside his darlings smothered between love, and his pure happiness. Hikari sat up grinning looking at the messy bed, she purred.

“I think it’s time for a shower. Soichi, why do we both bathe Hinote?”

Hinote eyes widened, ‘Oh fuck.’ He though as Soichi giggled.

“Hikari-love, what a good idea. C’mon Hinote-kun to the hot spring we go.”

“You two are going to be the death of me, and when the find me I’m going to have to the BIGGEST smile on my face.” He grinned getting up following Hikari and Soichi to their bathroom.

“Oh hush darling, it’s just “Untamable Ecstasy


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