Friday, April 9, 2010

My darkest dream yet.

I awoke in a large bedroom, a fireplace going, a large canopy bed posted against a wall as black sheer curtain hung over reviling the most beautiful bed I've seen. Walking around I saw my self gasping at the design, walking over I was lured to the bed. I sat down rubbing the sheets between my fingers. I notice my attire had changed, I was now wearing a black gown that came to my knees. I could feel something surrounding me, touching my neck, and shoulder it was a light touch. I shook it off, thinking it was just me being paranoid as I looked at my surroundings.

In an instant I blinked.

There was a visible shadow showing in front of the bed, the fire from the fireplace burning within his belly. It didn't move, it just stood there, I was to afraid to move all I could do was stare at it. It chuckled at my expression I'm guessing.

"After so many of these I thought you'd be use to this." He spoke, I shook my head in horror I looked around for an opening I could hear him laugh hard almost throwing his head back. I moved back to the head board, he inched closer to me. "Do insult me child, you were there Tuesday... You've made our bound so much stronger."

He grinned, and continued inching toward me. I pulled my legs up to my face and starting crying, I didn't know what to do at this point all I knew was I was done for once he got to me.
I felt my heart race, my mind was going blank. He was setting me on fire and he knew he was, unfortunately he had this control over me.

I winced at his touch.

He smirked and pinned my body down, his body turning more, and more hollow. I could feel his tainted tongue on my body, his hands touching me in places no1 should go unless giving permission. I cried out begging him to stop, and he laughed at me as he continued, his rough tongue racking down my body, it tingled my skin like the light stroke of a knife.

"You still don't get it? The more I do this, the more she craves me. I don't do this just to torture you pup." He paused to run up to my ear. "By your birthday, I plan to make you comprised of nothing but evil and negative emotion.."

I shook my head and pushed him off, with all my strength. I opened the bedroom door running out, I stopped in my tracks as beasts, and shadows wondered the hall. I was so afraid, I was shaking.

Where did I have to run to now?

He appeared behind me, his arms around my waist. He ruffled my hair, a grin planted on his canine face, his sharp fangs showing.

"I can see why "he" keep you around. You'll full of entertainment, loyal, a good friend, and feisty..." He paused levitating me in the air, guiding me to the bed. Blood was now pouring out my neck and the spots his tongue touched. "Another reason why, my little girl is in there, and will remain. I thought about it, you two will remain tainted by us until your old and can't use your limbs. We'll hunt you until death, and I'll decide that."

I screamed, I could feel him insert inside me. I screamed shaking and trying to move away. It hurt so bad, I just wanted him to stop but he didn't he continued laughing, louder and louder. I could feel myself becoming numb from the pain, and for some odd reason I could feel myself near climax.

'N-no, please n-no.'

I thought, he looked into my eyes with his blazing red ones, and purred his fangs right at my jugular vain.

"Welcome to the rest of you nature life with me, and I'm sure you'll call it..." He paused to run his tongue over my neck my climax shockingly close. "Hell." he bit into me, and I screamed my body jolting forward.

I woke up screaming, in tears....

(If you read this, I wanted to see if I could still write a Dark Fic lol I dunno if I still got it >.>)

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