Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Beautiful Hell

A beautiful Hell
By Soichi Haru

Tonight was the big night, and I was too excited to sit still, I had to make sure everything was perfect, I spend all day cleaning the house and making sure everything was spick and span. After that I needed to go grocery shopping, cause I planned on making a nice dinner, after everything was finished I decided to get started on cooking. I can’t believe it, its been a year already. I couldn’t help but smiled to myself as I light the frying pan, placing vegetable oil inside. Reaching into the fresh new grocery bag, I pulled out a packet of catfish dipping it in flower and a few secret seasoning I placed 4 pieces in the frying pan and watched them sizzle. Before I knew it, the day was gone and night had befallen on our house deep within the woods. Taking off my apron and hanging it on the rack I headed back into the bedroom, walking into our large bathroom.

“Time to clean myself up.” I muttered starting the shower as I undress myself out of my usual attire. Letting my black hair with white tips flow behind be I looked at myself in the mirror, I hated my hair down. Shaking my head I sighed, tonight wasn’t for me I had to keep telling myself as I stepped into the hot shower, I moaned as the water touched my skin. The warmth relaxed my muscles and made me feel so good.

It reminded me of somebody.



I sighed and shook my head, I knew that thoughts would start rushing to me and sure enough they did. My body shivered as I imagined his strong firm hands caressing my curves and his hips, his finger caressing my skin slowly marking his property with every skin cell on his finger tips. Biting my lips I shook my head and began to bathe, after a long day of hard work a hot shower seems just right. I took my time and worshiped my body just for the simple fact, it wouldn’t be mine for long tonight.

I really need to work on my perverted thoughts.

Hopping out, I looked around for a towel but I hung my head when I remembered I forgot that I didn’t grab one. Sighing, I slowly began making my body temperature raise, a little trick I picked up from Hinote over the years. The water evaporated with ease and I smiled into the mirror, it even dried my hair for me. Peeking my head out the door just to see if he’d come home and I didn’t notice my vision gave me the ok to walk out into our bedroom naked.

I walked up to the dresser pulling out a black and red panty set, matching fish nets to match. Placing it on my body I turning around I walked to the full body mirror in our room.

Well, I sure hope he’s happy. I don’t usually wear anything fancy underwear
unless the bounty mission causes for it, but like I said before this is a special
occasion. It’s not every day a couple makes it to their one year wedding
anniversary. Walking over to the bed I bend down and reached for a box that I
had hid under there for safe keeping. It was long and wrapped neatly, I was proud
of myself for finding this rare find.

Flinching when I heard the door open I stood up.

“Soichi, I’m home.” The voice spoke and I smiled to myself as I grabbed the red
silk robe on the bed placing it around my body. Grabbing the box I
walked into the living room to greet the man. Turning the corner there he stood.
Around 6 feet tall, spiky black and red hair that looked a mess sometimes but you
still gotta love it. Deep crimson eyes that stared at me as I walked into the room.
His attire was a pair of black pants, a red sleeveless shirt and a black vest over it.
Placing the box on the coffee table, I walked over to him.

“Welcome home love.” I whispered as I leaned up on my tippy toes to kiss his lips. He returned the kiss happily, as he long red panther tail came to wrap around my waist making me giggle slightly. Pulling back I looked at him and smiled, glancing over him I noticed something. “Hinote, what are you hiding behind your back?”

He flinched just slightly and sighed revealing a little white box with holes in it. I blinked and stared at the thing in question. He reached his hands out to me, and spoke softly.

“Happy anniversary.”

I grabbed the box and blink while opening, to my surprised a little neko jumped out at me. It was all white with red paws, the tip of its tail was printed red as well, large beautiful purple eyes.

I squealed in excitement.

“A fire koneko!!” I exclaimed as I laid it in my chest petting it little head. It purred and I smiled brightly, looking back at Hinote he had a small grin on his face.

“I’ll take it as you like em?”

I nodded walking up to him kissing his lips again as the neko crawled to my shoulder. Pulling back once again I placed the neko to the floor, and walked over to the coffee table grabbing the large box handing it to him. Looking at me he sat down and opened the box, a red and black katana was reviled and he grinned.

“Dear you shouldn’t have.”

I laughed at his tone.

So violent, isn’t it sexy?

Rubbing the sword his grin got wider, stopping when his finger ran across something else.

“Honey, what is this?” He questioned as he picked up the sliver and blue key. I turned to look to the floor, and a blush came to my face.

“You’ll see what it’s for later.” I muttered and he blinked at my response. Walking into the kitchen away from his gaze I grabbed the two platters of food I’d cooked earlier and headed for the dining room table which I was sure he’d moved to. His mouth fell when I walked into the room placing the food on the table.

“I-Is all that for me?” He stuttered his gaze stuck on the food placed in front of him.

I giggles and nodded.

“Yes my love it is.”

He continued to stare causing me to sigh at his astonishment, pushing him back I sat in his lap and pulled his face close to mine.

“Are you going to eat or should I just throw all my hard work out?” I stated and he lightly kissed me.

“Oh hush. Can’t I bask in the glory of having a wonderful wife who cooks for me?” He replied back and I stuck my tongue out at him. He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist caressing my sides, as his nose and mouth nuzzled my neck.

“Hm?” Was all I heard drawing me out of my happy place. Looking down I gasped and stood up, I hadn’t noticed my robe had come undone, and his eyes were staring at me. Blushing I fumbled around with the tie, in a instant he was up my left wrist in his hand. “Soichi, take off your robe.”

I looked up at him his eyes bore into mine and I knew I shouldn’t even fight the losing battle. I slipped the robe off looking the opposite of his direction, the whole time in my head cursing robe ties. Once the robe had fallen to the floor, I felt him stand back and his eyes gaze all over my body.

“I guess you don’t like it?” I whispered and before I knew it, I was in his arms being carried over to the couch. Once we got there he sat me in his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“Now why would you think of a silly question like that to ask?” He paused to trail his hand down my leg. Before I knew it his soft lips were placed at my neck kissing ever so lightly around the joint of my shoulder. I lost my train of thought instantly, his fingers caressed my inner thigh teasingly, and I grabbed unto his vest.

“B-baby, but you haven’t eaten.” I whispered and his chuckled slightly, laying me down on my back crawling on top of me slowly. Looking up I saw a grin placed on his lips.

“Oh don’t worry I’ll eat it but for right now, I have a special meal on tonights menu.” He whispered in a low voice which caused my body to shiver, I didn’t know if it was from excitement or anxiousness. Before I could get the next sentence out his mouth was pressed passionately to mine, and I moaned as he pushed his tongue through my lips. As our mouths and tongues battled I could feel him unbuttoning my bra, with ease the light fabric landed on the floor by the bed, his lips still to mine he began to fumble with my nipple.

“Mmmm.” I moaned into the kiss, as he pulled and rubbed it between his thumb and index finger. He knew my chest was a weak spot for me, and nights light tonight he used it to his full advantage. Pulling back from my lips he bent down taking my right nipple into his mouth, I arched my back at the feeling.
Oh kami, this feeling is indescribable. His other had play with the left breast until he decided to switch sides.

“H-Hinote.” I moaned biting my bottom lip, my thighs pressed together as I juices trailed out of me. Headed down my stomach he kissed all over, tasting my skin, stopping when he got the belly button he swirled his tongue around it as he slid off my panties. I turned my head, my breath ragged a small heat blush coating my cheeks.

“Hmmm, it smells so good.” He whispered kissing the inside of my thigh, I grabbed the back of the couch harder as each kiss got more and more to my core. There was pause before I felt his long tongue run over my entrance, I jolted.

“A-ah!” He did realize what he did to me, my body was on fire and it didn’t plan on diming down the heat anytime soon. Oh the many things he could do with that dragon tongue of his. Lifting my leg up higher he went deeper, and I moan louder squeezing the couch even harder. “I c-can’t take this…” I paused to inhale. “I’m g-going to come.”

He continued like I hadn’t said a word, and sure enough my body exploded and on his tongue at that, juices oozed out of me quickly and his tongue lapped them up just as quickly.

Laying there I tried to catch my breath, looking up I noticed him disrobing which made me grin. I was back in the game, I’ll teach him to render me helpless. Sitting up on my knees I pinned him down in a sitting position on the couch, my body right back in his lap but this time he was shirt and vestless. Leaning down I began to kiss and nibble on the right side of his neck, my body pressed closely to his. He groaned slightly.

After what seemed like a dozen kisses I released my tongue from my mouth and started softly licking and sucking on the skin he held me tighter and the moans got louder.

“You and you’re tongue, so good.” He paused to moan at my nibble. “D-don’t stop.”

I didn’t plan on it, licking in circles around the middle of the neck I pressed my fang to it. I knew it would drive him crazy, and it did. He squeezed me so much more tighter and practically growled.

“Fuck! Bit me, bite me NOW!”

I grinned and bit down harshly breaking skin, causing his powerful blood to pour into my mouth I moaned at the contact, he tasted like the sweetest forbidden fruit known to any man or demon in this world. His blood was like my life elixir, and I loved drinking him. I moaned again as his claws racked down my back as I put him into one of his ultimate highs. Pulling back I licked my lips clean of the blood, look at him his eyes were low and there was a huge bulge in his pants.

I blushed and was about to move but he grabbed my thigh sliding me towards him.

“Where do you think you’re going wolfie?” He questioned and just as I was about to answer I heard a zip of some sort. Looking down, I gasped at his exposed cock, more juices started to pour outta me and down my thighs.

“N-no where…” I replied swallowing. Lifting me up with no effort, or words for that matter he roughly slammed me down on his dick. I almost screamed and grabbed on to his shoulder squeezing.

“O-oh! H-Hinote!!” I moaned into his ear, and he grinned. I couldn’t help it at this point this youkai was my own brand of addiction and I couldn’t get enough of him, through my pleasure I could feel him sliding his pants off his ankles as he continued controlling me.

He chuckled at the looks on my face as his hands continued to raise and drop me at will.

“You make the cutest faces.” He whispered looking up at me.

Oooooh! I hated when he said things like that, especially at times like this when I’m powerless to say anything. Glaring at him I slammed down harshly myself cause him to moan. I did a little victory dance inside my head, but little to my knowledge until well after the fact, I was being laid on my back.

“H-Hinote…?” I questioned looking up at him, he just leaned down and kissed my lips once again before he started moving.

I moaned arching my back in pure extasy.

He was so deep inside me I could feel all of him, and it felt amazing. How am I to keep my sanity if you make me loose it every time you do simple movements.

“What’s the matter baby? You like me fucking you like this?” He questioned low and husky and all I could do was moan and grab the couch tighter. Leaning down he got closer to my face, and speeded up the pace.

“A-ah! Fuck!” I moaned grabbing his shoulder digging my claws into them. “H-Hinote, t-there…r-right there!”

Moaning himself I felt proud that I could bring him pleasure, sometimes I doubt its anything compared to what he brings me but its still pleasure nevertheless.

My climax was approaching quickly and my eyes hade already reach the back of my head by the time I realized I was screaming, and not JUST screaming but screaming his name.

“I-I’m going to cum Soichi.” He groaned into my ear his thrust getting more, and more wild. Before I realized I did it, I screamed almost shaking the entire house as I spilled my juices all of his dick. He growled/groaned followed right after my scream and me squeezing his close. I could feel his seed entering my body and I wanted to drool at the very thought. This was sweet completion, to know he was deep inside me made me want to come all over again. It took minutes for him to stop coming inside me, and the look on his face it all was worth it.

Falling into my chest he snuggled as I wrapped my arms around his head. We laid there for moments still connected. Looking up at me he kissed my lips sweetly, and I returned the kiss.

“Happy anniversary love.” He muttered through my chest, and I smiled.

“Happy anniversary to you too dear.”

Sitting up he grinned at me, and picked me up walking to the bedroom. I blinked and looked back at the couch I was being carried away from.

“Baby, what are you doing?” I questioned.

Laying me on our king size bed he grinned licking the valley of my breast.

“You didn’t think I was done did you?” He asked.

“Well I thought…” I paused when his dick pulsated inside me. I gasped at how fast it grew.

“Don’t plan on sleeping.” He spoke before kissing me.


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