Saturday, February 20, 2010

New story/manga ideas.

Sumisome Hisakata

Character list

Toshi Satoo:
Short spiky silver hair, teal eyes. Clan tattoo right of heart. Black baggy pants with chains around it, and a skull belt. Around 5'11 muscular figure, a tattoo on his neck of a cross. A white muscle shirt under his black hoody with the kanji/japanese lettering for "Death". Black shitkickers with skulls hanging of the laces.

Race: Werewolf first born son of Akihiro leader of the Michio clan.

Birthday: October 27th

Blood type: B neg

Powers: Lunar powers, transformation, "Mooner energy" can use anything connected to the moon and it habitat.

Weapon: Fangs, and a Forbidden katana forged from the blood of the first werewolf ever created blood.

Siblings: Miyako

(More to come)

Miyako Suzuki: Long black and lavender hair, deep light purple eyes around 5'4 nice set of boobs. Black and silver boots with spider webs on the heel of them. Black and purple skirt with a belt hanging off her hips, a short black trail behind the skirt. A black collard top that ties up in the front and come down to above her belly button. Her belly button is pierced and with a chibi skull.

Birthday: June 5th

Blood type: A

Race: Half vampire half werewolf

Power: Claws, fangs, charm, and special powers on the full moon night.

Weapon choice: Special made daggers, and ninja stars.

Sibling: Toshi

??? :Blue hair with red ribbon, one yellow eye and her attire is in bandages.

(Random character more detail later)

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