Saturday, February 20, 2010

...Lastnight was a bitch...

It's insane how many times I hear a day how much I wasted my time trying. I've been pissed off for 2 days now, non stop pissed off. You know what, what's sad is I can go further. How dare I let myself go through the same bullshit over the words "I love you." again. It always has been and will be those FUCKING ex's, I swear that's the theme of men/women now a days.

"I still love my ex."

Geewiz asshole, like I didn't already know that but then don't come and tell me you love me more. Really? You've got to be shitting me. But like the dumbass, naive, soul I am I believe it and feed MORE into the bullshit.

What the fuck!? You should of saw ALL this coming its the same game as Brandon Kelly, and DeAngilo Wills played you fuckin idiot! I swear, all this anger is sinking into hatred but, I'm not a hateful person nor do I want anyone to make me.

This whole two years were full of shit.

I realize that, and that dream wasn't telling him that he wasn't meant to be with me, it was god telling m not to be with him. I'm like really? Why the fuck am I so bad? But in all reality that's what the dream was about.

If there even was a dream to begin with, dealing with the shit for the third time I'm so fuckin done.

I don't want sex, now I just feel dirty and use. I was headed to buy a dildo and couldn't even do it. I couldn't picture myself horny, and that's sad coming from me. I'm back on my no sex rule, don't even wanna touch myself. Every guy that hits on me, gets the evil glare and I walk away like at the mall yesterday.

You have taken the last of my giving a fuck.

Not to mention you went through this whole talk about how you weren't going to have sex but then ended up telling ppl there wasn't anyway to get around it when "she" came down.

You lying asshole.

I swear over dumb shit, this is all so dumb and nonessential.

I hope you're happy, I swear I do cause you better enjoy it. There is no words in the English language that will ever describe how much I would love to rip someone throat out and eat their inner while sipping on fresh blood.

It's funny how you make it seem like its my fault you spent two years running after me, but guess what you finally got my ass and you didn't know what to do with it. So all that shit was pointless.

Congratu fuckin lations.

There is goes my anger level raises, I need happy a big tall glass of happy.

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